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Electrical Hot Water Heater

These electrical vvater heaters, that are produce according to European Standard (Pr EN 12897), aı given preference in areas vvhich don't have the source heating liquid to respond not vvater demand by usin electricenergy. The security of electric control panel in this product upgraded to maximum level. İn the electric contn panel, mainly there are fuse, contact, thermostat security and operation, on/off svvitch and the ralay contact faultstream. Moreover, different capacities and electric povver of th product can be made also by using security valve that sensitive to temperature and pressure as optional.

Technical Features
* Capacity betvveen 100 - 3000 lt.
* Hygienic because areas, that come into contact vvil vvater, are plated with two coats of enamel.. * 50 mm. Polyurethane insulated at ali capacities.
* Electrostatics povvder painted cover on galvanize plate at ali capacities.
* Cathodic anode protection 
* Highefficiency.
* Rustless resistances
* Esthetic appearance.
* 10 bar operating pressure

____ Product
  Flat Collectors
Package System
Single Serpentine Water Heater
Double Serpentine Water Heater
Hot Water Storage Tanks
Electrical Hot Water Heater
Double Wall Solar Boıler
Air Separator And Strainer
Hybrid Collectors
Vacuum Tubes 
Mounting Systems