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Our technology, experience and energy to share with you, you'll be proud to provide the experiences ourachievements, best regards  ...
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Double Serpentine Water Heater

These water heaters, that are produced according to European Standard(Pr EN 12897), are double enamel coated and they are used espeacially in villas, hotels, restaurants, factories. They can be used also every buildings that need hot water. They are used by connecting to a boiler and a solar collector at the same time.

Technical Features
* Capacity between 160 - 3000 it.
* Hygienic because areas, that come into contact with water,are double enamel coated.
* 50 mm. Polyurethane insulated at the capacity between 160 - 600 it. , special sponge insulated at the capacity between
* Electrostatics powder painted cover on galvanized plate at the capacity betvveen 160 - 600 it. , special winlex cover at the
* Cathodic anode protection Hol VVaterOutlet
* Hıgh effıcıency
* Electrical resistance as optional . Esthetic appearance connection scheme
* 10 baroperatıng pressure

____ Product
  Flat Collectors
Package System
Single Serpentine Water Heater
Double Serpentine Water Heater
Hot Water Storage Tanks
Electrical Hot Water Heater
Double Wall Solar Boıler
Air Separator And Strainer
Hybrid Collectors
Vacuum Tubes 
Mounting Systems